About the Concert
“We Are Here” is a concert of songs written in the ghettos and concentration camps of occupied-Europe. First presented at Temple Sholom Chicago, "We Are Here" is scheduled for Carnegie Hall on January 26, 2023 at 7:30pm. Conceived by Ira Antelis and hosted by Rabbi Charles Savenor, the concert will honor the memory of all those who were murdered, and highlight the artists and writers who, in the worst of times, continued to create. With music direction by Lee Musiker plus performances and readings from pop artists, broadway stars, and cantors, this powerful commemorative concert will include a candle-lighting ceremony and memorial prayers.
Together, we will honor the memory of those who were murdered during the Shoah and pay tribute to those who survived and have made a better world for us all.
We Are Here: Songs from the Holocaust
In preparation for our Carnegie Hall Concert we will highlight one of the fourteen songbooks each week.
Yidishe folks-shafung in di teg fun der groyse foterlandisher milkhome: The Fourteenth Shoah Songbook
Yidishe folks-shafung in di teg fun der groyse foterlandisher milkhome (Jewish Folk Creations in the Days of the Great Patriotic War)
Authored by Moshe Beregovski in collaboration with linguist Reuven Lerner